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Research Group

Działalność Pracowni Badawczej Between.Pomiędzy (BPRG – Between.Pomiędzy Research Group) polega na wspieraniu szeregu działań indywidualnych i zespołowych podejmowanych przez powiązanych z nią akademików reprezentujących różne dyscypliny nauki, w szczególności teatrologię, literaturoznawstwo i zarządzanie. W centrum zainteresowania stawiane są wyzwania pojawiające się na styku praktyki artystycznej, pragmatyki zarządzania oraz badań o charakterze akademickim. Istotny jest przy tym ogląd podejmowanych tematów w wymiarze lokalnym, krajowym, europejskim i globalnym. Pracownia afiliowana jest przy Zakładzie Badań nad Sztukami Scenicznymi Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (Instytut Anglistyki i Amerykanistyki), a związanych z nią jest dziewiętnastu badaczy z Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego oraz kilkunastu akademików z kraju i z zagranicy. Kierownikiem BPRG jest Tomasz Wiśniewski.

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Tomasz Wiśniewski

Portrait of Tomasz Wiśniewski

Dr hab Tomasz Wiśniewski, Prof UG works in the Department of Performing Arts and is Head of Between.Pomiędzy Research Group. He is the founder of the Beckett Research Group in Gdańsk. He was Deputy Director for Research in the Institute of English and American Studies at the University of Gdańsk (2016-2019). He has published Complicite, Theatre and Aesthetics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), Kształt literacki dramatu Samuela Becketta (Universitas, 2006), and (co-)edited several academic publications, including Between Page and Stage. Scholars and Theatre-Makers (UG Press, 2017), Włodzimierz Staniewski and the Phenomenon of „Gardzienice” (Routledge, 2022), and Liveness and co-presence (Tekstualia, 2018). He is on the editorial board of Anthem Studies in Theatre and Performance, and the literary quarterly Tekstualia (Warsaw). He is a Regional Managing Editor for The Theatre Times, a member of the board of the Polish Association for the Study of English (since 2018), and a member of the Progamme Board of the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre (since 2018). In 2023 he was invited to join the International Association of Theatre Leaders (IATL). At present his research concentrates on Irish theatre and Song of the Goat Theatre.

E-mail: tomasz.wisniewski@ug.edu.pl

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Katarzyna Kręglewska

Portrait of Katarzyna Kręglewska

Katarzyna Kręglewska  is a theater researcher, literary scholar, and translator. Assistant Professor in the Department of Drama, Theatre and Performances at the University of Gdańsk, her academic interests focus on contemporary theatre and autobiographical traces in art and literature. Deputy Director for Academic Research for Between.Pomiędzy Festival; member of Between.Pomiędzy Research Group (UG) and The Polish Society for Theatre Research (PTBT); cooperator of “Tekstualia” editorial team (translation).

E-mail: katarzyna.kreglewska@ug.edu.pl

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Roksana Zgierska

Portrait of Roksana Zgierska

Dr Roksana Zgierska holds the position of Assistant Professor at the University of Gdańsk, where she conducts research in the field of contemporary narrative theory, with a particular emphasis on the role of the reader and intertextuality. Her scholarly work is primarily focused on transmedial narratology, and currently, she is conducting research on understanding various forms of narrative communication, with a special emphasis on the role of music in this context. Furthermore, Zgierska actively engages in translation initiatives and is currently undertaking the responsibilities of a publisher.

E-mail: roksana.zgierska@ug.edu.pl

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Katarzyna Pastuszak

Portrait of Katarzyna Pastuszak

Katarzyna Pastuszak – dancer/performer, choreographer and artistic director of Amareya Theatre & Guests, assistant professor in the Department of Performing Arts (University of Gdańsk), member of Between.Pomiędzy Research Group (UG), also associated with the Centre for Environmental and Minority Policy Studies (Sapporo, Japan). Author and translator of articles on dance and theatre, editor and translator of Studia Choreologica and author of Hijikata Tatsumi’s Ankoku butō –theatre of body-in-crisis (Kraków, 2014). She has published in Didaskalia, Kultura Współczesna, Teatr, Tekstualia, among others. Winner of numerous artistic scholarships awarded by the City of Gdańsk, the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship and the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. Her performances have been presented, among others, in Japan, Greenland, Norway, Turkey, Israel, Germany, France and at numerous festivals in Poland. In 2023, Pastuszak and Natalia Chylińska’s performance Anatomies was presented at the 10th Theatre Olympics (Budapest, Hungary) as part of the artistic project Perform[ing] Poland, organised by the Jerzy Grotowski Institute, and its American premiere took place in November 2023 at CORE Dance Studio (Atlanta). The most important artistic activities from the field of dance realised in 2023 are the project Instabilités naturelles realised in September 2023 in Poland and France in collaboration with the Sonnets 3 Fois (Sarah Turquety, Coralie Neuville/FR) and Natalia Chylińska; the author’s research project Common bodies – choreographic encounters with mushrooms realised in 2023 in Poland and the USA.

E-mail: katarzyna.pastuszak@ug.edu.pl

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Mirosława Modrzewska

Mirosława Modrzewska (dr hab., professor of Gdańsk University), currently Director of English and American Studies Deptartment, University of Gdańsk, Poland. President of the Polish Society for the Study of European Romanticism (2014-2022, now Vice-president), member of The International Association of Byron Societies, and German Society for English Romanticism. She teaches British literature as well as theoretical literary and cultural studies at the Institute of English and American Studies of The University of Gdańsk, Poland. Published extensively on the works of Romantics, such as Robert Burns, Lord Byron, Walter Scott, Juliusz Słowacki; for The Athlone Critical Traditions Series: The Reception of British Authors in Europe (e.g. “The Polish Reception of Sir Walter Scott” and on the reception of Robert Burns in Poland, ed. Murray Pittock, Continuum Press 2006, 2014 respectively). She co-edited and translated with Peter Cochran Beniowski by Juliusz Słowacki, published in the volume Poland’s Angry Romantic. Two Poems and a Play by Juliusz Słowacki Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2009). Mirosława Modrzewska is an author of the Polish section of European Romanticism (ed.) Stephen Prickett (2010). In 2013 she published Byron and the Baroque with Peter Lang. Co-editor of Pośród nas series on modern writers of Gdańsk area. Her last book, co-edited with Maria Fengler is Byron: Reality, Fiction and Madness (2020) Berlin, Peter Lang Publishing Group.

E-mail: miroslawa.modrzewska@ug.edu.pl

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Jean Ward

Portrait of Jean Ward

Jean Ward is Professor of Literature in English, Head of Literary Studies in English at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Gdańsk. A graduate of Oxford University (MA English Language and Literature, 1983), she is a literary scholar specialising in British literature, especially poetry; religious poetry; comparative literature and literary translation. Her publications include T. S. Eliot w oczach trzech polskich pisarzy[T. S. Eliot in the Eyes of Three Polish Writers] (2001); Christian Poetry in the Post-Christian Day: Geoffrey Hill, R.S. Thomas, Elizabeth Jennings (2009); The Between-Space of Translation: Literary Sketches (2020); and a critical edition and translation of Małgorzata Czermińska’s The Autobiographical Triangle (2019). She also contributed to and co-edited Poetic Revelations: Word Made Flesh Made Word (Routledge, 2017).

E-mail: jean.ward@ug.edu.pl

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Monika Szuba

Portrait of Monika Szuba

Dr hab. Monika Szuba, Prof. UG is a researcher and translator, associate professor at the Institute of English and American Studies, the University of Gdańsk. Her research is concerned with modern and contemporary literature informed by environmental humanities, with particular interest in phenomenology. She has co-edited Literary Invention and the Cartographic Imagination: Early Modern to Late Modern (Brill, 2022), The Poetics of Space and Place in Scottish Literature (Palgrave, 2019) and Reading Victorian Literature: Essays in Honour of J. Hillis Miller (Edinburgh University Press, 2019), and edited Boundless Scotland: Space in Scottish Fiction (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2015). She is the author of two monographs, Contemporary Scottish Poetry and the Natural World: Burnside, Jamie, Robertson and White (Edinburgh University Press, 2019) and Landscape Poetics: Scottish Textual Practice, 1928-Present (Edinburgh University Press, 2023). Landhaus Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in Munich (2023-4).

E-mail: monika.szuba@ug.edu.pl

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Martin Blaszk

Dr Martin Blaszk, assistant professor at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Gdańsk (UG), Department of Glottodidactics and Natural Language Processing. In 2021 he published the monograph Happening In Education – An Empirical Study (Peter Lang), and in 2017 the book Happening In Education – Theoretical Issues (Peter Lang). Author of articles about the application of happening and performance in English language teaching and education, as well as teaching practices. He teaches English at various levels of proficiency as well as elective subjects related to creativity, happening and education, and critical awareness. He is a member of the editorial board of the periodical ”Beyond Philology”. He is also a member of the Between.Pomiędzy Research Group and the scientific association International Border Studies Centre. In his research he is interested in happening and creativity in education and English language teaching. As an artist, he is author of exhibitions, installations and performances in Great Britain and Poland. Co-founder and member of artistic collectives ”Whiskey Tower Studio” (1984-1988), ”StudioSzkic” (2008-2013) and ”kowboj.pl” (2005-2010).

E-mail: martin.blaszk@ug.edu.pl

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Barbara Świąder-Puchowska

Portrait of Barbara Świąder-Puchowska

Dr Barbara Świąder-Puchowska is theatrologist, lecturer at the University of Gdańsk, Assistant Professor at the Department of Cultural Studies at the Institute of Cultural Research UG. Her main research area is Polish contemporary theater, including independent theater in Gdańsk, and cultural animation in a practical aspect. Author of many theatre reviews and critical articles, also books e.g.: Myślenie obrazem. Gdańskie teatry plastyków w latach 50. i 60. XX wieku (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2018) and Dosięgnąć nieba. Teatr Snów (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2021). Co-editor of volumes Na szlakach kultury. Sztuka – antropologia – teoria (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2018) and Teatr Wybrzeże w latach 1996-2016. Zjawiska – ludzie – przedstawienia (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2019).

E-mail: barbara.swiader@ug.edu.pl

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Sylwia Dobkowska

Portrait of Sylwia Dobkowska

Dr Sylwia Dobkowska is lecturer in Theatre Studies in the Performing Arts Studies Department at the University of Gdańsk in Poland. She completed her studies (BA, MA and PhD) in the United Kingdom. From 2015 to 2017, she worked in Japan as the director of a U.S.-accredited international school, and from 2017 to 2019, she worked at the University of the Ryukyus and Meio University in Okinawa. She specialises in contemporary British Theatre and Japanese Theatre. She published a monograph about the subject of absence in theatre – Performance of Absence in Theatre, Performance and Visual Art (Routledge, 2022). Absence as a gap between the perceived and known has creative potential in art. In her research, she moves beyond the European theatre to find intercultural representation of absence. In parallel to the first project, she actively researches Japanese theatre and creative methods of teaching and learning English. Currently, Dobkowska is a Visiting Researcher at Meio University, where she conducts research and writes a textbook on creative methods of second language teaching and learning. The research is interdisciplinary, as it links theatre studies and literature studies teaching methods. The project is conducted in collaboration with Dr Meghan Kuckelman Beverage from Meio University. Dobkowska’s research is supported by UGrants-First 2023 grant from the University of Gdańsk.

Website: www.dobkowska.com

E-mail: sylwia.dobkowska@ug.edu.pl

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Anna Gryszkiewicz

Portrait of Anna Gryszkiewicz

Dr Anna Gryszkiewicz is a theatre practitioner, non-active actress with experience in institutional theatres, sinologist and theatrologist focused on post-drama and physical theatre. Her main interests include the entanglements between performing arts, high technology and the posthumanist approach to culture. She holds a post of assistant professor at the Department of East Asian Cultures and Languages at the University of Gdansk, Poland. She is a beneficiary of Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies (National Central Library, Taipei, Taiwan, Center for Chinese Studies) and Grant for Young Scientists (University of Gdansk). She is a member of China Horizons EU-funded project. 

E-mail: anna.gryszkiewicz@ug.edu.pl

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Marek Kalinowski

Portrait of Marek Kalinowski

Dr Marek Kalinowski is employed at the University of Gdańsk, working at the Faculty of Management in the Department of Organization and Management, in the Human Resources Management Division. The courses he teaches cover the issues of management, including organizational behaviour, competencies, motivation, and human resources management (such as recruitment, compensation, and training). For several years, he has supervised BA seminars in the field of Management of Artistic Institutions. He specializes in the field of serious games; even when he was a scientific and didactic employee, he conducted research on the creation of training decision-making games and the use of games for promotional purposes. Currently, as a teaching staff member, he develops and applies his own educational games during classes with students.

E-mail: marek.kalinowski@ug.edu.pl

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Szymon Gredżuk

Portrait of Szymon Gredżuk

Dr Szymon Gredżuk is lecturer in Japanese Studies at the University of Gdańsk in Poland. He completed his doctoral studies at the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa (2019), where he led an interdisciplinary research project on Maurycy Beniowski's navigation from Kamchatka to Macau. He conducts research in maritime environmental humanities focusing on the Okinawan context. Currently, Gredżuk is a Visiting Researcher at the University of the Ryukyus, supported by a Japanese Studies Fellowship from Japan Foundation (2023/2024). In collaboration with Professor Shin Yamashiro, an environmental humanities researcher at this university, he researches the contemporary maritime culture of the Ryukyu Islands, in particular, the underwater environment in the traditional knowledge of uminchu (海人) – Okinawan sea people.

Website: www.gredzuk.com

Kontakt: szymon.gredzuk@ug.edu.pl

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Anna Reglińska-Jemioł

Portrait of Anna Reglińska-Jemioł

Dr Anna Reglińska-Jemioł is a theatre and literature historian, assistant professor at the Institute of Polish Philology, where she teaches a series of courses on literature, history of drama and culture from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment. Also in the context of teaching Polish language and culture to the foreigners. Tutor, lecturer, teacher. She managed to develop her practical skills in education also outside Poland – in the United States (participation in the “Volunteer Literacy Tutoring Program” at Portland Community College (OR, USA)). She is the co-author of a project financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, the final result of which is an interactive browser game: “On the Trail of the Baltic secrets” (www.tnt.ug.edu.pl). She willingly undertakes teaching initiatives based on the cooperation with museum centres. Her research interests include the theoretical and aesthetic implications of dance culture in drama and theatre (she is the author of the monograph Dance Forms in the Polish Jesuit Theater of the 18th Century, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 2012). Recently, she has also been focusing on intercultural reflection on American everyday life. In the last few years, she has published texts on this topic in, among others, the following magazines: “Napis. Pismo poświęcone literaturze okolicznościowej i użytkowej”, “Rocznik Komparatystyczny”, “Turystyka Kulturowa”, “Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture”, “Język – Szkoła – Religia”, “Roczniki Humanistyczne”, “Didaskalia. Gazeta Teatralna”, “Czas Kultury”. Member of: The Polish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, The Polish Shakespeare Association, The Polish Society for Theatre Research, Société Internationale d’ Histoire Comparée du Théâtre, de l’Opéra et du Ballet, The Polish American Historical Association, The International Federation for Theatre Research, in the years 2006-2011 secretary of the Commission for the History of Social Sciences of the Committee for the History of Science and Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Laboratory for Research on Familiar and Less Known Literature at the University of Gdańsk.

E-mail: anna.reglinska-jemiol@ug.edu.pl

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Janusz Mosakowski

Portrait of Janusz Mosakowski

Dr Janusz Mosakowski is a literary scholar at the Institute of Polish Philology (Department of the History of Polish Literature) at the University of Gdańsk. A co-founder and manager of „Literackie Trójmiasto” (‘Literary Tricity’) Research Group, and translator. Research topics: German and Polish local literature (Gdańsk and Pomerania) since the end of the 18th century to the present day, historical novel about Gdańsk, the Bible in literature. Book publications include: Dzieje Gdańska w niemieckiej powieści historycznej XIX wieku, (Agni, 2009); O Gdańsku literackim 1945-2015. Archeologie miejsca, palimpsesty historii, ed. with B. Dąbrowski, R. Młynarczyk. A. Nowaczewski, (Fundacja Terytoria Książki, 2018) (here the article: “O innych źródłach inspiracji Franciszka Fenikowskiego,” pp. 47–58); Sopot w literaturze. Literatura w Sopocie, ed. with A. Nowaczewski, S. Pavlenko, R. Młynarczyk, (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego 2019) (here the article: “Elise Püttner – (nie)znana literatka i publicystka z Zoppot,” pp. 139–16). Selected articles: Tryptyk Hansa Memlinga w niemieckiej i polskiej beletrystyce ostatnich dwóch stuleci, in: Sąd Ostateczny Hansa Memlinga. Losy – prawo – symbole ed. by J. Kamień [et al.], Gdańsk; Sopot: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego 2019, pp. 191–214; “Johannes Hevelke contra Jan Heweliusz – literacki portret astronoma z polityką w tle,” in: Literatura a polityka. Literatur und Politik, ed. T. Szybisty, J. Godlewicz-Adamiec, Kraków: Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie; Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2020, pp. 357–370; “Deutsche, Polen und Kaschuben in einer Stadt. Literarische Konstruktionen der Vergangenheit Danzigs im frühen Werk von Franciszek Fenikowski,” in: Gedächtnistopografien in Grenzräumen: Das Pommernland, Danzig und das Rheinland als trilaterale Kulturregionen, ed. by M. Borzyszkowska-Szewczyk [u. a.], (Fibre Verlag, 2022), pp. 337-352.

Kontakt: janusz.mosakowski@ug.edu.pl

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Ewelina Damps

Portrait of Ewelina Damps

Dr Ewelina Damps is a scholar of Theatre and German Studies, since 2006 affiliated with Gdańsk Archipelago of Culture – initially as the coordinator of FETA International Festival of Open Air and Street Theatre, and then as the manager of the cultural centre in Gdańsk Brzeźno. Since 2017 she has been employed as an assistant professor in the Institute of German Philology of the University of Gdańsk, the Department of German Literature and Culture, in which she teaches post-1945 German literature as well as language classes. She wrote her doctoral thesis under the supervision of professor Jan Ciechowicz as part of the Philological Doctoral Study. The result of her work was the book History of the Municipal Theater in Gdańsk (1801-1841), which was published in 2015 by the UG Publishing House and a year later awarded in the competition as the best publication of a doctoral thesis. In ”Theatre – Literature – Management” project, she conducts research entitled: ”Multi-sensory Perception of Culture, or the Accessibility of Culture for People with Disabilities with Regard to the Offer of Tricity Cultural Institutions.”

Kontakt: ewelina.damps@ug.edu.pl

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Maria Fengler

Portrait of Maria Fengler

Dr Maria Fengler jest anglistką, tłumaczką, adiunktem w Instytucie Anglistyki i Amerykanistyki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Autorka nagrodzonej przez „Literaturę na Świecie” monografii irlandzkiego poety Michaela Longleya Między Itaką a Belfastem (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2010); współredaktorka monografii wieloautorskich Między słowem a rzeczywistością. Poezja Eliota wobec cielesności i Wcielenia (WUG, 2015); Striking the Chords of Spirit and Flesh in Polish Poetry (WUG, 2016); Byron: Reality, Fiction and Madness (Peter Lang, 2019); współredaktorka polskiego przekładu Towards a Christian Poetics Michaela Edwardsa (Ku poetyce chrześcijańskiej, WUG/Bernardinum, 2017).

E-mail: maria.fengler@ug.edu.pl

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Agnieszka Żukowska

Portrait of Agnieszka Żukowska

Agnieszka Żukowska is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Gdańsk. A literary scholar and art historian, she specialises in early modern festival culture and the intersections of theatre and the visual arts. She has co-edited, with Jean Ward and Maria Fengler, On Time: Essays in Honour of Professor Jerzy Limon (Gdańsk University Press, 2023); with Jacek Żukowski, Opera and Beyond: Early Modern Court Theatre The Castle Chronicles. Annals 8(74) (The Royal Castle in Warsaw - Museum, 2022); with Marta Gibińska, Małgorzata Grzegorzewska, and Jacek Fabiszak, This Treasure of Theatre: Shakespeare and the Arts from the Early Modern Period to the Twenty-First Century (słowo/obraz terytoria, Fundacja Terytoria Książki, 2020); and, with Jerzy Limon: An Atomizing Theatre (słowo/obraz terytoria, 2014) and Theatrical Blends (słowo/obraz terytoria, 2010). Her recent publications focus on the Stuart court masque, early modern occasional architecture, and Shakespeare in contemporary art.

E-mail: agnieszka.zukowska@ug.edu.pl

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Aleksandra Wisniewska

Portrait of Aleksandra Wisniewska

Dr Aleksandra Wisniewska is Assistant Professor of IAiA at the University of Gdańsk. She is a literary scholar interested particularly in British literature of the 20th and 21st centuries. Research interests: analysis of literary texts which in their linguistic, structural and thematic layers reveal the relationship between literature and theology; analysis and interpretation of texts in terms of the narrative techniques, ways of creating characters and space.

E-mail: aleksandra.wisniewska@ug.edu.pl